Arlington MA and Haiti Book Exchange

NPR/Here and Now broadcast about the Fayerweather-Matenwa sister project 

Haitian Scientific Society

Please take time to visit the HSS new web site for


Scientific news and developments

Upcoming events and meetings on rebuilding Haiti



Article by Professor Yves Dejean on "Creole and Education in Haiti":


Fayerweather-Matènwa connection, especially on the "Mother Tongue" book project:

OLPC in Haiti

at a couple of meetings organized by Dale, with Tim, Chris
Low,  Allison Bland, Diane Hendrix, myself and a few others others,
there's been some brainstorming about ways to constructively participate
in the Waveplace pilot projects in Haiti, especially the one at the
Matènwa school which already has a partnership with Fayerweather.


Having a computer-based centric curriculumn really broaden my horizon.  The closest explanation I can come up with is a Waldorf Education

School in a Box

Since the mid 1990s, UNICEF has delivered the School-in-a-Box to emergency situations all over the world, providing the chance for children to continue their education during the most extreme crises.

It is a nice concept, but of course no technologies. It would be good to rethink that concept to enhance what is already in Haiti. We can add content, resources (sensors ++) and other tools... what?

Haiti's community radio stations in ruins


As CPJ's (Committee to Protect Journalists) Haiti consultant Jean-Roland Chery wrote Wednesday on the CPJ Blog, community radio stations play a leading role in local news coverage in Haiti's most remote communities, filling the void left by private radio stations.

Low tech radio site

great site article on CNN about how low tech radio has been helpful

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