Life relies on carefully managed heat. We explore topics related to heat such as life (our body), our environment, engines, fabrication, measurements, production, movements, conduction, fire, energy and ... of course cooking. 


We'll start with fire safety, re-work our candle powered boat and onward. 


Again: 8-9 breakfast, 9-11:30 projects, 12-1 lunch, 2-4:30 activities, 5-6 dinner, 7-8 kids performances, 8:30pm: dodo. Interlaced field trips. if you would like to put in a meal press the meal button below


Lodging is provided. However, we ask parents to assist planning and delivering food, and conducting daily negotiation before sleep.

[These "camps" are a collection of  investigative activities and field trips intended for 8-15yr olds.]