Water :: Dlo :: Eau


The many uses of water include drinking, swimming, generating power, growing plants, transportation. Where does water come from? What is it? How much of it exists? What forms does it take? How does it behave? How much does it cost? How do we drink it? Water is central to many aspect of our existence. A few relationships are sketched below.

The focus will be on environment, energy, human body and fun. How do hydro-electric plants function (question for the Canadians)? How do boats float? What are ice crystals? How is water made available in our homes? 


Using some imagination, we'll bravely design and build miniature steam engines, hydro-electric generators and boats.  We'll visit experts that can help us better understand water. Learn to windsurf. Most importantly find time to have fun!


Again: 8-9 breakfast, 9-11:30 projects, 12-1 lunch, 2-4:30 activities, 5-6 dinner, 7-8 kids performances, 8:30pm: dodo. Interlaced field trips.


While lodging is provided, parents' assistance will be needed to keep the herd in check, plan/deliver food and conduct individual daily negotiation toward sleep.

[The summer camp is a collection of  investigative activities and field trips intended for 8-12yr olds.]